
Our Board Members contribute to the mission of our foundation by being active in different committees.



This is the core of our mission! The scholarship committee runs the intern scholarship selection process, including evaluating applications and conducting interviews. They also stay in contact with recipients, ensuring recipients are connected with each other and mentors.



This is where we make sure that women are not only in the pipeline, but have the necessary skills to succeed in senior level positions. The Curriculum Development Committee is responsible for developing and executing a series of skills-building training programs aimed at current female congressional staff.



The Governance and Administration Committee keeps things running! This group periodically recommends amendments to the Bylaws and operating procedures of the Foundation, considers proposals and makes recommendations to the Board, and establishes processes for adjudicating any removal proceedings or ethical complaints.



Love party planning? This is where you can shine. The Event Planning Committee has primary responsibility for working with WCSA leadership to conceive, plan and execute an annual event in honor of WCSA, coordinating closely with the Fundraising Committee.



The work done here makes everything else possible! The Fundraising Committee is responsible for developing annual and individual Board fundraising goals, keeping track of Director contributions and associated pledges, as well as developing and executing any fundraising events other than the annual event in honor of WCSA.