Our Stories

a group of four female former Capitol Hill staffers launched the Women’s Congressional Staff Foundation in 2018.



To give women on the Hill at all stages of their careers the tools and connections they need to thrive. Our organization plans to award grants to young women who otherwise wouldn’t be able to do a Hill internship, offer hard-skills seminars to existing female Hill staffers and host an annual event in honor of WCSA that will double as a fundraiser for the Foundation.


We’re here for you.


We worked on the Hill at different times, in different offices, with different staff… and we had pretty different experiences. The one thing we all had in common? Amazing women mentors, support systems, friends, and colleagues.

We want to make sure every woman on the Hill, from staff assistant to Chief of Staff, has that same level of support.

That’s why we’re here.


“Women are well-represented in junior positions on Capitol Hill, but there’s a steep drop-off at the senior staff level. That's the exact moment having a diverse chorus of voices, experiences and backgrounds becomes crucial. Ensuring women are in the room, at the table, where public policy decisions that impact the lives of all Americans are made makes us a better nation.”

— Sara Lonardo


Do you have big ideas for us?


We can’t wait to add your story to our collective voice. Whether you’ve been on the hill for 3 months or 30 years, we want YOU to get involved. Please be in touch!